The forces at play
I find it interesting that since starting this website I’ve found myself much more draw (pardon the pun) to visual art as apposed to music. I wouldn’t describe myself as a visual artist by any means, if asked I would probably describe myself as a musician who sometimes draws. However, over the last several months my creative output has been dominated by drawings, and not just my output, but my energy has been focused on drawing too. I have a few ideas as to why this might be that I’d like to lay out.
First, what’s most obvious to me is that a website like this a visual experience. When scrolling through past posts, which I spend far to much time doing, I like to see compelling visuals on the screen, I don’t hear a piece of music as I scroll past a blog post about it, but a drawing can pop at just a glance. And so, I feel incentivized to post drawings rather than music or poetry.
Second is that, especially recently, I have been exposed to far more great art than I have music, I follow hundreds of awesome fan artists and original artists on twitter, and while I also follow many musicians, twitter suffers from the same problem discussed above of incentivizing visuals. I find the art that I see online inspiring, and compelling and so I want to imitate it.
Third, is that I’ve simply gotten bored or tired of music. In the last year I have released five albums without seeing much reward or return from them, which is fine, the work itself is reward enough but it is work and it can be quite tiring. Maybe I’m just enjoying having a hobby that isn’t ostensibly a job.
I am still working on new music, and I still love the work, but I’m having a lot of fun drawing at the moment, so I’m gonna keep at it.